
The Leicestershire and Rutland County Archery Association (L&RCAA) was formed in May 1950 and is run by volunteers from different archery clubs within the county. The County committee meets once a month (except December) at the Syston Rugby Club.

If you are a club within Leicestershire and Rutland, you are entitled to appoint a representative to come along to the meetings and report back to your club.

We extend a very warm welcome to any archer within the county and we are anxious to dispel any fears you may have about coming to the meetings. It is a good opportunity to meet socially with your fellow archers and to hear how county business is conducted.



Committee Vacancy

Dear Members,

It is very unfortunate that on Monday evening during the L&RCAA online meeting, Mark Peart resigned as treasurer from the committee.
This leaves L&RCAA without a treasurer could you take the position of treasurer on the executive?  or know anyone who could, this could be a non-archer volunteer we will also affiliate. If there is anyone who would be able or you want to take the position of treasurer then please see the criteria below:-

Honorary Treasurer (Executive Officer)

To record all Income and Expenditure for the County.
Liaise with other officers/committee to make purchases as necessary for L&RCAA.
Prepare and have audited for each AGM a statement of accounts.
To report at each Committee meeting the current financial status of the county.

We need to fill this position ASAP

Please contact secretary@lrcaa.org

Eddie Pemberton

L&R300 Results

The Final Results and Summary for the 2023/24 season of the L&R300 are now available, well done to everyone who took part.

Archery Accessories

Follow Scalded Cat Archery Accessories on Facebook or Instagram for a range of homemade archery accessories, or email scaldedcatarchery@gmail.com for more information.

L&RCAA and EMAS Affiliation Fees

County and Region Affiliation Fees are due at the end of September. Please see the Documents Page for renewal forms.